Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Those Bastards...

Reading the World of Warcraft forums today, I noticed something eerily disturbing. It all started when I clicked on the topic, Blue, why is balnazzar alive? In the post, the hapless WoW addict asks why Balnazzar, a major villain in Warcraft III has magically been resurrected. He cites blizzard's own summary of the events:

"Sylvanas, Varimathras, and Garithos approached Balnazzar, and Sylvanas ordered Varimathras to kill his brother as a testament to his loyalty to her. Varimathras was abhored. Killing another Nathrezim was forbidden, but Sylvanas was adament. Balnazzar was sure that Varimathras would never take that final step. But he did anyway, and murdered Balnazzar." (I like how Varimathras went from being "abhored" to "but he did anyway").

A valid observation from the gamer. The gamers then explain the event using Warcraft mythos:

"Nathrazhiem are masters of necromantic magiks, he probably was ressurected by minions or some crap like that. (I agree, it's stupid, but that's what a CM would tell you)"

"It is to my understanding that demons are not as linked to their physical forms as are normal mortals. Therefore, if a demon should die, he is simply returned to the Twisting Nether. It is conceivable that this happened to Balnazaar and that he has returned.

You might ask, well what about Archimonde? Shouldn't he come back with a vengeance? It's also theorized that the nature of the trap that Malfurion set for Archimonde caused him to be utterly destroyed, with no possibility of return.

Does that help clear things up? Again, the whole part about the demons and the Twisting Nether is speculation, it's just something I've heard that may be true."

First, what completely boggles my mind about the second loser's post is that supposedly "It is(vague reference!) to my understanding that demons are not as linked to their physical forms as are normal mortals." (because, you know, a demon told you so) and that "It is (another vague reference! Who are you trying to impress with your crappy english?) conceivable that this happened to Balnazaar and that he has returned." If Demons can die and all of a sudden reappear a little while later wreaking havoc on the world again, then why the fuck would they be so "abhored" with killing each other? It's like me getting pissed off if someone cut my fingernails for me.

Secondly, I find it disconcerting that no blizzard employee needs to come forward to explain what was really going on. These nerds used their nerd-knowledge to explain it themselves. They've created a universe so diabolical that geeks try to logically explain continuity errors.

You Blizzard folks... I'm onto you.... But first, another round of Arathi Basin.... Mmmmm.. honor points...


At 9/27/2005 7:23 PM, Blogger Chris Kalani said...

Hey... uhh... nothing.


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