Saturday, August 13, 2005

Rampant Failure of a Post Ep.I - Interview with a Jackass.

The Idea: Message random people on my MSN list and pretend they're being interviewed.
The Result: The single worst waste of an hour in the history of time-wasting.

Exhibit A: *Due to personal request, this part has been removed.*

Besides, if you're reading this, you're wasting your time right now. Go do something productive.

Exhibit B: Geoff Tan.
Dave - says:Welcome to the show, Mr. Tan. How goes the World of Warcraft Realm?
ricefarmer - PSP is so hot says:errrrrr
ricefarmer - PSP is so hot says:training to be a game master or what
Dave - says:Haha, you are too funny Mr. Tan. Any updates on the X-box project of 2005?
ricefarmer - PSP is so hot says:nope
ricefarmer - PSP is so hot says:you pwned that xbox good
ricefarmer - PSP is so hot says:not sure if i can fix it
Dave - says:(I hope you've noticed my flagrant whoring of my Blog by putting the address in my MSN name) Haha. What kind of a moron would fry his own X-box?
ricefarmer - PSP is so hot says:fried isn't the right term
ricefarmer - PSP is so hot says:the file system is just broken
ricefarmer - PSP is so hot says:there is no physical damage
Conversation degenerates into x-box talk. until...
Dave - says:Speaking of Soda, have you tried the new Crush Sour Apple?
ricefarmer - PSP is so hot says:no
ricefarmer - PSP is so hot says:how is it
Dave - says:Its good.
At which point I can only assume Geoff has become fed up with my Antics and stopped bothering to read or respond to my messages anymore.

Summary: I miss my X-Box.

Exhibit C: Parts of everyone else.
Some of the more memorable quotes during this whole experiment:

Dave - says:Hello Mei, I'm glad you could make it all they way from Toronto for the show. I really appreciate it.
mei - what's going on!?!? says:Hahaha strange man
Dave - says:Thank you. You're a very bizarre lady.
mei - what's going on!?!? says:aahaha shudduuuupppp
mei - what's going on!?!? says:i eenjoy ur blogs! hehehe
mei - what's going on!?!? says:ok i
mei - what's going on!?!? says:m going to sleep
mei - what's going on!?!? says:but u can talk to pat
mei - what's going on!?!? says:he is using my cputer
mei - what's going on!?!? says:GNITE!!!
Dave - says:alright
Dave - says:what's up pat
No Response.

Summary: My friends no longer want to talk to me.

Dave - says: So I hear you're a sunday school teacher now. What is that like?
leah.. says: hahah
leah.. says: uh... good.. a little stressful sometimes..
leah.. says: why are you acting like that?
Dave - says: har har, we both know the only qualified actor here is Brad Pitt.
leah.. says: omg yorue so weird

Summary: omg, I'm so weird.

Dave - says: Welcome to the show, Daniel. How does it feel to be related to one of the most handsome men in the world?
dann says: Leave me alone.

Summary: My brother has officially become cooler than me.


At 8/15/2005 9:39 AM, Blogger Rob said...

Hahahaha...this one made me laugh tears of...well...i guess they were just tears...but happy tears...of a laughing nature.


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