Friday, September 09, 2005

Odds and Ends and Such... and Poo.

Like Lazarus's reincarnation and just as miraculous...
My x-box has risen from the dead. We must thank Joe Uhren, a true miracle worker in our troubled age. In order to give you a better idea of the true beauty of Chester's magical redemption from the depths of electronic hell, I've written the timeline of his first few test runs:

Aug 22: Chester is repaired and ready to go. I hug my X-Box for about 5 straight minutes. In front of a group of people. I think they're creeped out.
Aug 23: Test out Madden 06. Runs smoothly.
Aug 25: Jade Empire works. Don't feel like playing.
Aug 27: Tried to load up Jade Empire bonus disc and Halo 2 multiplayer maps. Didn't work. Tried to play Halo 2. Dirty Disc Error. Can't find most of my X-Box games.

I hate my X-Box.

My hunter is level 31 on World of Warcraft. What's especially interesting is that I've had two separate, but equally successful Gnomeregan runs in the last couple of days. We managed to go through the entire first half of the instance without aggroing ridiculous amounts of mobs or being victimized by excessive n00bage. I finished 6/7 gnomer quests, which leave the main quest in which I can finally get my fucking Triprunner Dungarees. Now as soon as I get those I'll be able to finish the Dark Iron Dwarf Quests in the Wetlands and possibly move onto Southshore, Arathi, and even Stranglethorn Vale. But then I'd be in for a stupid number of Scarlet Monastery Runs. And we all know how boring those are.

I have no life.

Dave Recommends Shit! (Well not shit, but stuff)
Listen to Antony and the Johnsons. He's androgenously spectacular!

Watch Old Boy and Crash. They're cinematically fantabulous!

Play The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. It's..... uh... hulkulously smasherrific?

Edurcashun are Importent.
Class seems interesting. I should really go to my classes this year, considering I have a lot to get done if I want to graduate in the next two years and there's gonna be a lot of readings in all of my courses.

Go Eagles!
I'm skipping my monday lab to watch Monday Night Football. Go Eagles! Cesspool?
Can you believe the audacity of some people? There's this huge tragedy in America and people make cruel, crude, and downright bizarre jokes at their misfortune. What is this world coming to?

Although the Sim City one was delightfully witty.

Don't you hate it when things don't end properly?
Yeah, me too.


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