Thursday, October 06, 2005

Procrast on, David. Procrast on.

Instead of studying for my freaking midterm in two days, I took a test to see how annoying I was on "Am I Annoying?".

Here's how I did:

Quiz 1: Points: 30

Our experts are please to report that you are a tolerable, if not pleasant. You should be proud of your annoyance rating (unless you lied on your quiz, then you're a complete bastard!)

Time Spent: 3:28

Quiz 2: Your total score is: 73

Although you could have scored worse, our experts have pinned you as being "annoying." This is nothing to worry about, but if you want people to stop making faces behind your back, it would be best if you consider some adjustments in your life.

Quiz 3: Points: 72

After extensive research, our crack team of psychologists have classified you as "moderately annoying." Not to worry though, it is perfectly acceptable to annoy others sparingly. It reminds them that you still exist.

Time Spent: 3:32

Quiz 4: Points: 93

Our professional examination has accurately assessed you as being an annoying person. Your peers don't respect you, but you get a great deal of empathy from them. Now that you are aware of your little problem, take some time each day to try and correct it. Team Annoy's Bruce advises "Choose a friend who is equally as annoying as you and practice being 'not annoying' to each other. The people who deal with you on a day-to-day basis will notice a difference within weeks and may even invite you out to lunch to celebrate your progress."

Time Spent: 2:58

I find it strange that as they "perfect" the system, I get more and more annoying.

I find it downright disturbing at how accurate quiz 4's diagnosis is.


At 10/07/2005 4:17 PM, Blogger T said...

yes you are annoying

At 10/12/2005 11:48 AM, Blogger claver said...

Dave I can be that "friend" from assessment #4. Though I have yet to try this test (which I surely will) I bet my annoyance factor is infinitely higher. Case and point: This comment.

Luv ya,



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