Monday, December 04, 2006

Twirling my mustache.

13 more days, suckas! 13 more days and I get my money.

Anyhoo, I decided that I might as well write about what's been going on. I'm incredibly sleep-deprived at the moment. With about 1400 words to go on my FS 410 essay, I figured I'd down two quick Energy Drinks to help my dumb ass write yesterday night. This was at midnight. On a mad sugar/caffene buzz (I tried to spell "Caffeine" as "Cafeen, Caffeen, Caffeine, Caffiene, Cafiene and Cafeine. I still don't think I have it right), I managed to finish my essay in 2 hours. I tried to go to sleep, but just laid in bed, wired, for about 5 hours. By the time I finally gave up on sleep it was almost 7:00. So I decided to catch up on some TV shows. I'm brilliant. 8 hours later, with nothing but Caffeine (GODDAMMIT) keeping my body upright, I drove (smart when drowsy) to school and got ready for my shit-rag oral presentation. I bombed it. I think.




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