Saturday, January 21, 2006

Movie Review: The Aristocrats

Penn Jillette walks into a movie executive's office. He says to him, "Man, do I have the perfect movie for you."

The talent agent groans, and says, "Oh no, not again. I've seen your 'magic' acts, and they're complete crap."

Penn says, "No, just hear me out, this time its different. Picture a movie where we interview 100 comedians and ask them their takes on the 'Aristocrats' joke. But here's the catch: half of them aren't comedians. We'll have idiots like Andy Dick, Carrot Top, and some shitty mime giving crappy takes on this time-honored institution of the comedy business!"

"But you're not even a comedian, you're a shitty magician," the agent says.

"Hear me out. We'll splice footage together haphazardly, hoping that the jokes will string together on their own. Teller and I can even include ourselves in the movie, so we can pretend to be shitty comedians on top of being shitty magicians! We'll spend a retarded amount of time on making the editorial staff of the onion look like complete morons, while limiting potentially interesting versions of the joke - for example, Chris Rock's take - to a 15 second clip. Bob Saget will actually be one of the highlights of the film! We'll destroy any sense of tradition built up in the industry, just so we can fill up our pockets with cash!"

The agent is horrified. "Dear god... what's the name of the movie?"

Jillette smiles and states proudly, "The Aristocrats."

All kidding aside, the movie was a very interesting documentary about the Aristocrats joke. I just hate Penn and Teller.

Rating: *** (out of five)


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